Tag: Boat Experiment

Boat Experiment – Science

Hey Readers!

Last lesson in science we did a experiment. We used tin foil boats, water and corks. I found it very interesting and we learnt about air pressure and the different surface areas.

Aim : To know the difference between big/small surface area.



  • Tin Foil
  • Silicone Rubber Corks
  • Tray
  • Water


  1.  Collect all the equipment needed
  2. Cut up one big piece of tin foil (around 30cm by 30cm) and a smaller piece
  3. Fold the pieces of foil into a boat; one being bigger than the other
  4. Once folded, pour water into the tray (about 1/2 full)
  5. Place the boats into the water 1 at a time
  6. Put 1 rubber cork at a time until the boat sinks
  7. Write down the amount til the boat sinks
  8. Discuss the difference



After dropping the boat, we found out larger surface areas held more corks. It allowed more weight to be held and keep enough mass and pressure. Smaller objects  aren’t able to hold as much because of the the higher proportional surface area.

What is pressure?

It’s a force applied to the surface of objects per unit area. The pressure is calculated by dividing the force by area.

How does it change with area?

When contact of area decreases, pressure increases. This means proportion pays a big role with pressure exerting.

Thanks for reading!