Tag: Drama

Term 2 Drama Recap 🎭🔄

Hello Readers!

Today I’ll be doing a recap of what I learnt in drama during term 2. We learnt about the F.A.R.T.S, drama games, emotional scripts and much more. Here is what I learnt:


  • F.A.R.T.S
  • Drama Games
  • Emotional Scripts

F.A.R.T.S is used in  the subject drama and acting. It has a deep meaning and is useful to know about. F stands for focus, a stands for action, r stands for role, t stands for tense/tension, s stands for space. Focus is used to focus on what your character is doing. Action is used to hook people into something and to make something interesting; it’s similar to adding some spice to a dish. Role, a big part of drama; knowing what your meant to do and how you express your characters emotion. Tension, something that builds up a exciting scene or issue. Space, a important part of drama and acting is knowing your space and where you need to be and how you space your self out from objects and people.

Playing drama games is a really fun part of drama. It can get very tense as well as interesting. In drama I learnt a few games, but I’ll only explain 2 of the games. The first game is called vampire. One person is picked as the vampire. The lights get turned off and everybody including the vampire have their eyes closed. The vampires job is to squeeze the other players arms and in order to win you have to avoid the vampire and be the last one standing. If your arm gets squeezed you have to form a circle around the other players. The second game is called wink murderer. The teacher chooses one player to be the wink detective and find out who the murder is before everybody dies. In order to die you have to be winked at. The wink detective has 3 chances to find out who the murder is and if they find out who it is they win but if they don’t players win!

For my final topic I will be talking about emotional scripts. We learnt about the different things that effect a characters emotion in a story and what the characters feel about different people. The task we got set was to read at least one script in front of the class and express how we think the character we are playing feels and acts from reading the script. I went with my two friends to do this and it was actually pretty easy and not as hard as I thought. We performed the script called “risk management.” Emotions are a big part of a actors role and much more.

Thank you for reading my final blog post for term 2 drama this year!

Drama – Emotional Scripts 🎭 📝

Hello Readers!

In drama we’ve been reading scripts. We started off by listening to a story and making a brain storm about what the characters are feeling about every other character. Every group got to choose one character to work on. The next day we got to work in pairs/threes. We had to choose 1 script to do and perform. The two scripts were called “risk management” and “drinks on the house.”

I went with my twos friends Venice and Kristhel. At first we were going to do “drinks in the house” but then we changed we changed to “risk managent.” After we finished rehearsing our roles, we performance in front of the class. At first I was very nervous, but I just imagined nobody was looking. I played the narrator, Venice played Pike and Kristhel played scratch. The easiest part was doing the brain storm and the hardest part was performing and being confident.

Here is a image of emotional acting I found on google :

Thank you for reading my blog post 😉

Drama – F.A.R.T.S.


This week in drama we have been learning about the f.a.r.t.s. and a new drama game. The game we learnt how to play is called vampire. The game is similar to spot light, but has a few different rules. Here are the rules: the lights are off,  everybody has to close their eyes even the vampire, if you get squished on the arm you have to scream and form a wall, the last player standing wins. The different players: Vampire; the vampires job is to “kill” everybody and has to have their eyes closed. Players; the players have to try and not get killed. The game is very tense and has quite a lot of action.

F.a.r.t.s. meaning:

F= Focus; the audience focuses on what the characters are doing.

A= Action; action is just like action movies, their is lots of things that happen and it’s interesting.

R= Role; the character your playing and what your doing.

T= Tense/tension; when a challenging drama game is hard it is “tense.”

S= Space; whats around you on and where you need to move to.

I hope you enjoyed my blog post, feel free to comment.