Tag: Releasing plastics into the Ocean

Trashing the Planet – Social Studies

Hi Guys 🙂

For social studies for the past 2 terms we have been focusing on the topic of ‘Trashing the World.’ We researched Japan’s toxic dump, made info graphics, wrote essays, etc. Today we began learning about certain countries that dump rubbish into ocean waters. Our class watched 2 videos, one about Guatemala and another about India. In the videos they poured the waste from trucks. It was kind of disappointing to see countries dumping rubbish waste in the ocean. Here’s the links to the videos: India, Guatemala.

Where is it happening?

This issue is affecting many countries worldwide. 81% of the plastics and rubbish dumped into the ocean is mainly from Asia. As of 2021, the Philippines is the country that dumps the most plastic/rubbish into the ocean. (They’ve dumped 356,371 metric tons). The United States is also a part of causing this; they produce a majority of the plastic waste. About 70% of rubbish is collected in India, which is dumped (only 30% is recycled). There are 20,000 metric tons of rubbish that is thrown down the Motagua River that leads into the Caribbean each year.

Why is it happening?

Many countries lack the resources to recycle and manage the waste. Various different countries are unable to afford the facilities/landfills, to prevent pouring rubbish in the ocean. However, there are few countries that do this on purpose. Many people around the world instead of recycling waste, they litter and put plastics/rubbish in the wrong place. Rubbish travels with the wind, and ends up in the ocean because of this.

What are your feelings about it?

In my opinion this issue is very unfortunate. This problem has slowly skyrocketed into a worldwide issue affecting many countries. It’s kind of sad seeing all the animals and people being affected by this. Although there are ways we can resolve the dilemma.  I believe we can fix this issue, by doing ocean clean ups and creating more resources for countries in need of them.

What is different between these countries and NZ?

There is a visible difference between these countries and New Zealand. In India, most cities burn their rubbish in open dump yards on the main highway. This can lead to pollution. The majority of garbage in Guatemala ends up in clandestine dumps. A clandestine dump is used to dump solid waste, without considering the outcomes. New Zealand disposes of waste in facilities and recycling services. The country also uses multiple different rubbish bins to help dispose of all the different types of waste properly.

Why doesn’t the government stop it?

Many other bigger problems are affecting countries involved in ocean pollution. This stops them from investing in recycling and facilities to dispose of it. Some countries are also in poverty due to war and lack of access to education, etc. There may also be some governments that choose not to invest in these issues.


Guatemala ^

India ^

Thank you for reading!!!